Thursday, March 19, 2009

Feeling Good

I love food. I love recipes, cookbooks, cooking, ingredients, everything. This has been a major source of clutter in my life. I used to have a whole bookcase full of back issues of recipe magazines, and about a year ago, I started a process of reducing that to a manageable amount.

First I went through all the magazines and clipped any recipes that I thought I might make. This ended up being hundreds of clippings, but that was still less than several years worth of back issues. This became the Recipe Pile, and it sort of hung out for the last year. Every now and then I would try to go through the pile and type up the recipes so I could print them out on notecards and put them in my recipe box.

Well about 2 weeks ago I realized that this was crazy. I mean totally crazy. First of all, I clipped these recipes out of magazines. They are all completely legible. I do not need to retype them all. Secondly, I haven't made any of these recipes. I don't know if I even like them. Why should unproven recipes get to make it into my recipe box?

So, the last 2 weeks I've been procrastinating finding some sort of file folder dohicky to store the hundreds of clippings until I have a chance to try the recipe and see if it deserves a space in the recipe box. Well today I finally got it.

There are colored folders, and I split out the types of recipes to:
Light Blue - Dinner
Green - Dessert
Yellow - Breakfast
Orange - Dips and Snacks
Dark Blue - Drinks

Everything slips into this pocket thing.

And the pocket fits right into the cookbook shelf.


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